Baxley Relatives
This picture (1950) was made on the front porch of the Baxley home, which was originally the home of Sam and Emma Smith Masters, parents of Romy Baxley. Seated in front is Syble Mitchell’s father, Harvey Smith. Children (l-r) are Don Mitchell leaning on Jim Bentley’s legs, a yawning out-of-town visitor leaning on her mother’s legs, and Dan Mitchell. Directly behind Harvey Smith, in dark dress, is his wife Emma Truelock Smith. Next to her is Cylde Baxley on the right and Romy Baxley on the left. In front of Clyde is Johanna Smith Crane. Wortham Crane is behind Romy Baxley and Emma Smith. Son Mitchell is on the far left, and next to him is Jim Bentley. Syble Smith Mitchell is behind Jim, peeking over his hat, and next is Jim’s wife Eva. Harvey Smith was the half-sister of Emma Smith Masters. Jim and Eva Bentley were neighbors.